I’ve been a big fan of Brewhaha tea, their funky, retro packaging caught my eye a few years back and I was even happier when I found out that they were a Glasgow company. Consoling my loss of the cake shop that was in Buchanan Galleries, I decided to show off a collection of their teas. I have a HUGE tea collection, a bit of a fetish for me. If there is tea on sale, I’ll buy it.
I was going to try some Hinshelwoods jam that I had picked up and thought some “Brews the daddy” would go well. Blended like Assam tea, this is a mans tea, but a good strong one to wake you up in the morning.
Brewhaha tea can be found ONLINE and in deli’s.
Would the Strawberry and Rose Jam stand the taste test and the struggle with “Brews the Daddy”? It did, the rose taste isn’t too overpowering a little bit like turkish delight. It went well with the Irish Bread. More info on Hinshelwoods can be found HERE.