Tiree Tea Maureen Clark

Unique tea blends from the Isle of Tiree.

Tiree Tea is from the beautiful Isle of Tiree in the Inner Hebrides. The tea blends are unique infusions from around the world, with a blend to suit everyone’s taste, whether a tea devotee or a novice tea drinker, with both natural teas and healthy infusions. These are the vision of Rhoda Meek, a crofter on the Isle of Tiree, whose desire is to produce teas inspired by the natural beauty of the Hebrides.

Tiree Tea Maureen Clark
Tiree Tea, image by Maureen Clark

Even the packaging evokes the style and grandeur of the wild, natural landscape of Tiree. Experience the four unique blends:

Crofter (Breakfast Tea) – we all enjoy our first morning cuppa to wake up and face the world but did you know it was packed with antioxidants to protect your heart against heart disease and help lower your blood pressure? So when you enjoy your morning cup, you’re actually heart-friendly!

Gneiss (Earl Grey) – ideal for afternoon tea, served in a dainty china cup. Used on more refined occasion. Bergamot from the oil of Seville oranges gives the distinctive ‘Earl Grey’ flavour, and the addition of cornflower (or ‘Gormán’ in Gaelic) provides a rich source of iron (to prevent anaemia).

Tilley (Mint and Nettle) is an invigourating tea (so fresh and minty). Can be consumed hot or served as a cooling beverage with ice. Mint and nettle have the advantages of providing excellent health benefits, with omega-3 fatty acids (to protect your heart) from mint, and calcium (for strong bones and healthy teeth) from nettles. Did you ever realise tea could be so healthy?

Machair (Herbal Infusion) – Inspired by the machair, the fertile dune grasslands unique to north-west Scotland and Ireland, this is a calming tea with floral and fragrant flavours. Ideal for that relaxing cup of tea you need at the end of a weary and tiring day.

Tiree Tea Rhoda Meek
Tiree Tea, image by Rhoda Meek

Take a moment to pause with these wonderful teas and learn more about life on the beautiful Hebridean Isle of Tiree. Makes an ideal gift. Buy online from tireetea.co.uk or isle20.com


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Foodie Lass

I am a passionate foodie with a background in advertising and more recently food author (with a range of successful health and nutrition books under my belt).

I spent several years living in Australia (experiencing food cultures from that part of the world) plus many food adventures in European countries.

My most recent food passion has been watching ‘Somebody feed Phil’ on Netflix!

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