Baileys Choctail for Easter

Have your cake and drink It this Easter with Baileys

Maître chocolatier Paul A. Young has created the ‘OTT choctail’: it’s pudding in a glass and the only cocktail you will want to share with friends and family this long Easter bank holiday weekend. So invite your friends round for the ultimate Easter moment and recreate Paul’s Baileys Choctail, made with Baileys Salted Caramel.

Paul A. Young says: “This is the ‘Easter OTT cocktail’ as every part of it is edible and drinkable.”

Paul A. Young’s Easter OTT Choctail

Serves 2 – 0.9 units per serving

Ingredients for the cocktail mixture

6 ice cubes

100ml Baileys Salted Caramel (1.8 units) – or why not try with Baileys Original Irish Cream (1.8 units)

100ml double cream

50ml whole milk

½ tsp ground nutmeg

½ tsp ground cinnamon 

Caramel sauce

Gold shimmer powder 

Mini eggs for decoration

Large wine glass or gin goblet 

For the orange cream

150ml double cream

15g light muscovado sugar

1 orange, zested

For the hot cross bun nests

1 hot cross bun

150g milk chocolate


  1. Drizzle the caramel sauce inside a glass, making sure you coat the bottom.
  2. In a cocktail shaker or jar, add the 100ml measure of Baileys Salted Caramel (1.8 units) to the cream, milk, spices, and ice.  Shake well for one minute until frothy and foamy.
  3. Make your orange cream by finely grating the orange. Mix the zest into the cream with the sugar and whisk until stiff and glossy. Place in the fridge until the cocktail is ready.
  4. For the hot cross bun nests, break the chocolate into small pieces and melt in a bowl sat over a pan of hot water. While the chocolate is melting, slice the hot cross bun into fingers, then cut the fingers into smaller fingers. Mix the hot cross bun pieces into the chocolate and mix until fully coated.
  5. Line a baking tray with baking paper and mould your mixture into 50mm nest shapes then pop in the fridge for 20 minutes to set 
  6. Assemble the cocktail by pouring the cocktail mixture first into a glass, then layer on your orange cream mixture. Place on your hot cross bun nest on top with mini Easter eggs (Paul’s favourite is yellow!) placed inside and spray with gold shimmer powder. Serve with a sundae spoon and straws

Tip: If you want to enjoy this decadent serve in a rush, why not make the cocktail by itself? You can then make your serve as indulgent as you like by following Paul’s recipe or adding your own special Baileys twist. 

About Emma 3645 Articles
Usually I can be found sleeping beside a cat.

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