Christmas Cocktails from Bardinet
We continue our Christmas cocktails from Bardinet with this Bardinet Sangaree which is a delicious post dinner drink. Find our other Bardinet cocktails here.
Digestif | Bardinet Sangaree
A delicious post-dinner sipper, combining Bardinet’s luxurious VSOP with the elegance of Tawny Port.
50ml Bardinet VSOP
25ml Tawny Port
Nutmeg (garnish)
Add Bardinet and Port to a mixing glass and stir over ice.
Strain into a small Port or Sherry goblet and grate some nutmeg over the top for a garnish before serving.
Bardinet Sangeree
- 50 ml Bardinet VSOP
- 25 ml Tawny Port
- Nutmeg garnish
- Add Bardinet and Port to a mixing glass and stir over ice.
- Strain into a small Port or Sherry goblet and grate some nutmeg over the top for a garnish before serving.
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