Brightening up the home with Partridge Blooms

alaska wreath


Partridge Blooms are new on the scene and have certainly caused a flurry of interest on Facebook.  They create handcrafted, luxury artificial floral wreaths for all occasions, not just Christmas.  However, their Christmas stock is stunning and worth getting an order in quickly as they appear to be selling out fast.

There are baby, mid-sized and lux sizes available, so something for every home.

Here is Robyn which is an example of a baby-sized wreath.  It is 20cm in diameter and perfect for indoors. Maybe from the garage to the main house, or for the living room or dining room or if you stay in a flat and have an indoor landing.

robyn baby wreath robyn closeup


Next up in size is the mid wreath which is 27cm in diameter and I love the Alaska wreath, the ivy and berries just look so festive.

alaska wreath alaska wreath


The largest size on offer is Lux which is a 40cm diameter wreath.  Willow here has LED lights for that extra Christmas sparkle.

willow wreath partridge blooms willow wreath partridge blooms


Partridge Blooms can be found on Facebook and on their own website.



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About Emma 3617 Articles
Usually I can be found sleeping beside a cat.

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