Drinks News

guinness golden ale

Diageo are developing providing nutritional and alcohol content information plans on its own products. The information per typical serve rather than per 100ml, as is seen with other foodstuffs.

spirit glass alcohol

Ian Duncan, MEP for Scotland and member of the European Parliament’s Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee, said: ‘Today’s announcement from Diageo is a fine example of their commitment to giving consumers the information that they need to make sensible decisions about alcohol. Providing both the nutrition and alcohol content of alcohol drinks, in an easy to understand “per serving” format, is a major improvement on the confusing current system, where there are different measurements of alcohol units across the EU.’

Ivan Menezes, Diageo’s CEO, said: ‘Currently, there is no obligation to provide such information in markets worldwide, but we know that consumers are increasingly discerning about what’s in their glass. We want to provide alcohol and nutrition information that consumers can quickly understand, instead of expecting them to do the maths.’

guinness  golden ale

After the Dublin Porter and West Indies Porter last September, this is the latest release from Guinness’ Brewers Project

Guinness Golden Ale is brewed using Guinness yeast, hops, Irish barley and amber malt, which the brand says gives it a rich golden colour and subtle biscuit flavours, with a refreshing clean finish.

4.5% abv. £3.75/500ml.


About Emma 3643 Articles
Usually I can be found sleeping beside a cat.

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