Where to stay, eat and sightsee in Berlin

Everything you need to know about Berlin! Well, everything we know about Berlin!

It’s no secret that we love Berlin and we’d love to share that passion with you.

Here is a list of all the posts on the site about Berlin.  They cover everything from accommodation to bars, restaurants and even where you can find where Killing Eve was filmed.  Remember to check if somewhere is still open before heading off just in case it has closed down or opening hours are different.

Happy exploring and we hope you love your to visit Berlin.


Alecsa Hotel


Intervarko Hostel


ostel hostel ddr berlin
Accommodation: Ostel

Food and Drink

Alt-Beriner Weissbierstube (Bar & Food)

The Barn at Kanzler (Coffee Shop)

Berlin Breweries

Berliner Republik (Bar)

Brauhaus Mitte (Bar)

Burgermeister (Fast Food)

Cafe Hallenbad (Bar)

Cafe Sibylle (Food)

konnopke Imbiss currywurst berlin

Data Kitchen (Food)

Die Tagnung (Bar)

Felsenkeller (Bar)

Good Bank (Food)

Henne (Food)

Konnopke’s Imbiss(Fast Food)


Markthalle Neun (Food stalls and bar)

Quell Eck (Bar)

Rickenbacker’s (Bar)

Rogacki(Deli and cafe)

Shiso Burger(Food)

The Bird(Food)

Tulum (Food)

Willy Bresch (Bar)

Zillemarkt (Bar)

brauhaus mitte bar berline


Brandenburg Gate (Brandenburger Tor)

East Berlin Stasi Trail

Ernst Thalman Monument

Gleis 17

Where to see the Berlin Wall

Stasi Museum

Stasi Prison

brandenburg tor berlin


Berlin TV tower

Bier Pinsel




Berlin Horizontal

Killing Eve locations

Useful Links

Deutsche Bahn

Berlin Public Transport

Visit Berlin

visiting berlin