Food review: Nice ‘N’ Sleazy, 421 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3LG

Nice & Sleazies - interior
Nice & Sleazies - interior

In January 2013 readers of voted MeatHammer LTD at Nice N Sleazy the best burgers in Glasgow, but somehow we had managed to avoid them until now…

Back in my student days I was up here all the time but these days the Charing Cross area at night is one of my least favourite places in the city, and we’re rarely here during the day.

But in the interests of research we found ourselves here one sunny afternoon continuing our burger tour of Glasgow. We ordered two burgers, firstly: a Classic cheeseburger; it came with crisp pickles, like the good ones from Poland and Germany, with crisp chips on the side which were fluffy inside and coated in thick salt crystals.

Nice & Sleazies - Classic Cheeseburger
Nice ‘n’ Sleazies – Classic Cheeseburger

And the burger was thick, juicy and tender. We also ordered a Lovebite, which listed peanut butter  as an ingredient, which you could taste straight away. This fat burger was again rare, moist and meaty with a good texture. Both were served with nice brioche buns which weren’t totally burnt like some other places – they were like the love child of a Scottish Morton’s roll and French brioche. The Lovebite was both sweet and savoury with crisp sweet bacon, sweet onions and chilli jam. Yum!

Nice & Sleazies - Lovebite burger
Nice ‘n’ Sleazies – Lovebite burger (pink inside)

As you can see the burgers were pretty pink. Both were filling and the price included chips. HURRAH!!! We washed them done with Scottish and American beer (there was a pretty decent selection to chose from).

It’s taken us an inordinate amount of time to get here, but we can state that the burgers here are much better than most/all of the new pretenders so this is our favourite place for a burger in Glasgow at the moment.

The damage:£23 for 2 burgers including a side of chips each and 2 beers and TABLE SERVICE and PLATES!

So overall, good filling meaty burgers, relaxed atmosphere with good music too (not sure who it was but shoegazery…)
Toilets graffitied and you could probably limbo under the cubicle door in the ladies but clean by Sleazie’s standards. There was supposed to be WIFI but we couldn’t find any when we visited.

+ 1 of the best burgers in Glasgow!
+ table service and plates!
+ good selection of beer
+ relaxed with good background music

– no WIFI (or not working)

Nice & Sleazies - inside the bar
Nice ‘n’ Sleazies – inside the bar
mark ice cream viareggio
About Mr Foodie 162 Articles
Likes to travel, eat weird things and read three books at the same time.

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