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Location:-[googlemaps http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=kilermont+polo+club&sll=55.865627,-4.257223&sspn=0.343689,1.056747&ie=UTF8&hq=kilermont+polo+club&hnear=&t=h&cid=9127956396355317848&ll=55.900485,-4.304838&spn=0.014436,0.025749&z=14&iwloc=A&output=embed&w=300&h=300]
After a long days drive, I couldn’t be bothered making a big sunday dinner so heading home-wards we noticed the Killermont had their buffet night on, so in we went. I’d heard good things about here, many work lunches and praise so was looking forward to going in. The building looked lovely lit up against the night sky.
Walking in we were greeted quickly and shown to our table. We ordered soft drinks and the buffet. Selection was the usual salad bar, veg/mushroom/chicken pakora, chicken curried in a million ways. The lamb curry had beautiful lamb although i had to wait to get some as the curries didn’t seem to be topped up often, what curry we did get was pretty tepid. The pakora was also tepid – which is a bit worrying with the chicken pakora. Overall the food was nice and spicy although the temperature and stocking could be improved.
The decor was a bit strange, like someones sitting room crossed with a billiards room! Some wallpaper was coming off the walls and a table was occupied in front of the emergency exit!
Overall good food but I wouldnt go back for the buffet and the temperature worried me.
I’ve been there a few times, but only for the buffet once. Agree with everything you say about it though, including the decor!