Next month sees Maison de Moggy open in Edinburgh, the first cat cafe within easy reach.
Originating in Japan, cat cafés utilise the relaxing (or not have you seen my cats!?) qualities of cats with a cafe area.

Located in Hamilton Place, Stockbridge, Maison de Moggy will be run by Laura O’Neill and assisted by her very own kitty’s (and hoomans).
Cats are great for a cuddles, their purrs chill you out or you can go crazy with some play time.
Looking forward to checking this out, just hope ours don’t get jealous of us spending time with other cats!
When I get my new house I’m going to start charging for entry. I have enough tea and cats to justify it.
we should have a tea and kitty off, or maybe just the tea – I could see the kittehs getting uppity at sharing their hoomans.
I would like to book for two people on Monday the 2nd of February at 1pm please email back if this is possible please
Thanks so much.
Hi Katie,
Bookings are made here:
Best regards