Meet up with Dormouse Tea Company

Tea Dormouse Tea Company Glasgow Food and drink Glasgow food blog

Mrs Foodie nabbed a chance to meet up with Lorraine at Dormouse Tea Company at the must visit Cafe Source Too in Hyndland in the west-end of Glasgow (their place in the city centre/merchant city is very Good).

Tea Dormouse Tea Company Glasgow Food and drink Glasgow food blog

Tea obsessed friends, Lorraine Smith & Conor McGeady spent many an hour appreciating good loose-leaf tea and wanted to pass on this passion. None of this pyramid or silk bags nonsense – loose leaves to let the flavour out and mingle with the water to create a full-on taste – and loose-leaf tea is more versatile than the tea-bagged variety in that you can use the leaves in cocktails and food etc (keep your eyes peeled for a recipe using some Dormouse tea here soon!)

Lorraine & Conor feared that Britain was losing its way in the appreciation of a good cuppa and hoped to help folk along the way.

Tea Dormouse Tea Company Glasgow Food and drink Glasgow food blog
Dark Rose Tea
© Dormouse Tea Company

Over a cup of Dormouse tea (Dark rose), Lorraine explained their love of all things tea. Spending many hours hunting out tea from China and making their own blends of high quality tea. The range at the moment – which can be found here – has Green Tea, Jasmine Tea, Blooming Tea, Lapsang Souchon, Dark Rose Tea, Keemun (morning tea), Peppermint & Green Tea and Milk Oolong as well as tea strainers and clear glass teapots, perfect to watch the leaves swirl.

The range is planned to expand with fruit teas being blended for trial at the moment for those summer days (a rarity in Scotland perhaps!) As well as more unusual blends and types to stretch everyone’s tea knowledge.

But why call yourselves “Dormouse”?

Dormouse mad hatters tea party food drink Glasgow blog
Dormouse from the mad hatters tea party
© Disney

The character from the Mad Hatter’s tea party in Alice in Wonderland of course!

With great plans ahead both Lorraine and Conor sound like they know their stuff – they have a passion for their product and we wish them all the best.

You can buy their tea direct from them online at The Dormouse Tea Company or at Peckhams or The Good Spirits Co.

About Emma 3637 Articles
Usually I can be found sleeping beside a cat.

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