Upstairs at The Chip is somewhere I used to end up after a night in The Chip bar. When you are sitting in there cosy, and there is an amazing brasserie downstairs but you can’t quite pull yourself away from the beer and a chat.
There are two new menus for Upstairs at The Chip, a new lunch menu and a new a la carte menu.
To celebrate the launch, for the next two weeks, patrons can enjoy a 30% reduction on the new Upstairs at The Chip a la carte menu Monday to Thursday between 12 pm until 9 pm. The offer begins this Sunday 26th March until Thursday 30th March and also runs Sunday 2nd April until Thursday 6th April 2023.
Upstairs at The Chip new lunch menu is served Monday to Thursday 12 pm – 4 pm.
Upstairs at The Chip new a la carte menu is served Monday to Thursday 12 pm – 9 pm.
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