It’s got to be fizz, whether fancy champagne, cava or perry. No snobbery needed use what you like. It’s your time of year and we are celebrating.
Rose Fizz
1 bottle prosecco
4-6 tbsp rose syrup (available from specialist suppliers)
Preparation method
Pour the prosecco into the serving glasses and then drizzle the rose syrup gently on top, allowing it to trickle down to the bottom.
This famous cocktail was invented at Harry’s Bar, Venice, in 1934. The Rogano in Glasgow does a fab Bellini.
2 ripe peaches, peeled, halved and stone removed, or the equivalent using tinned peaches in natural juice
chilled champagne or sparkling wine
2 chilled champagne glasses
Preparation method
Place the peaches in blender and purée until totally smooth. This can be done well in advance and kept in the fridge. Spoon half into the chilled champagne glasses and slowly top up with champagne, stirring as you pour. You should ideally have one third peach purée to two thirds champagne.
Classic champagne cocktail
This is a decadent cocktail of champagne laced with cognac is perfect for special occasions.
1 white sugar cube
2 dashes bitters
20ml/¾fl oz cognac
enough champagne to fill the glass
Preparation method
Place the sugar cube onto a spoon and add the bitters.
Drop the soaked sugar cube into a champagne flute and add the cognac.
Top up the glass with champagne and serve.
French martini
Much better than a Cosmo for classy ladies
50ml/2fl oz vodka
15ml/½fl oz raspberry liqueur
35ml/1½fl oz fresh pineapple juice
Preparation method
Place the vodka, raspberry liqueur, pineapple juice into a cocktail shaker with some ice and shake vigorously.
Strain the mixture into a Martini glass and serve.
Hibiscus Cocktail
Juicy flowers give this drink a healthy look 😉
1 flower per glass
Small gloop of syrup from Hibiscus Jar
Enough fizz to fill glass
Preparation method
Place one flower into each glass. Add a gloop worth of Syrup from the jar. Top up with fizz, the bubbles will open the flower.
Violet Martini
A wonderful cocktail, very moreish. Add some crushed Parma violets for added childish fun.
1/2 oz. Violet Syrup
1 1/2 oz. Vanilla Vodka
Preparation Method
Add vodka and violet syrup in a glass with ice and stir, strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
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