There’s a app in town for sharing your thoughts, photos, videos, notes , location log ins, everything you need for a blog post. According to the information “Simply post multiple bite sized updates within a day, and hey presto, your blog post is done.” Food and Drink Glasgow are one of thirty bloggers in the UK chosen to trial this free app for their UK launch (woohoo!) to see if this is true.
If you would like to follow us, as we try out this new app, please click HERE for more information on DAYRE. The app itself can be found HERE at Itunes and HERE for Google Play
Over the next 6 weeks we will be putting this app through it’s paces and seeing how it stands up to a bloggers life. How are the images? What do I do with Stickers? How much can I write in a post?
If you would like to follow – we can be found HERE –www.dayre.me/glasgowfoodie and also let me know what you think of it.
Useful web & social media links:
Twitter (@Dayreapp) – http://www.twitter.com/dayreapp
Instagram (Dayre) – http://www.instagram.com/dayre
Facebook (fb/DayreApp) – http://www.facebook.com/dayreapp
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