Product Review: Salter Marble Health Grill and Panini Maker

salter panini grill featured image

A healthier way to cook

Gadgets, I love them. However, my kitchen top doesn’t have the space for them, so in order for a gadget to stay, it has to be exceptional. Remember the grill fad a few years back?  Yeah,  I did that as well.  A HUGE big grill dribbling fat all over the place.  It was all very messy and took up far too much space on the worktop before being banished to the cupboard then finally a charity shop.

I was asked by The Works (yes the bookshop people, bear with me!) to try out the Salter Health Grill & Panini maker.  I thought The Works only sold books but they also sell gadgets, toys, crafts and more.  I’ve now got my eye on an upright turntable of all things!

Anyway, back to the grill!  Opening up the grill it looked the right size for us.  Enough space for a healthy lunch or a quick snack (banana provided for scale).

Salter Marble Health Grill and Panini Maker

salter panini grill

So what makes this better than any other grill that I’ve used.  This one needs very little or no oil for cooking things.  Add a little oil, very little and spread over with a paper towel, if you want an extra crisp on your toastie or vegetable.  I made some crisp peanut butter and banana quesadillas without needing any butter or oil spread on the outside of the wrap.

Panini grill peanut butter banana quesadilla recipeI also made an omelette with no oil or butter required.  The coated ceramic plates made cooking, and cleaning up easy – especially the cleaning!  I love omelettes and scrambled eggs but I hate the mess which is left behind.

panini grill omelette

With this grill it was easy, have you ever seen a grill plate so clean? And I hadn’t even cleaned it, this was how it looked after I lifted the omelette off the plate. There’s no gooey muck left behind.

panini grill after omelette

The hole you see at the front is a draining channel, this means what oil or fat comes off your food drips into the tray for easy disposal.

Vegetables are extremely easy to cook.  Just place on to the plate, cover and cook. Grilled and tasty veggies in no time. Anything that I tried from fish to meat all cooked quickly and evenly with excess fat draining off into the drip tray.

salter panini grill grilling vegetables

Smitten as I was with the ceramic cooking plates, the floating hinge was a bonus.  This meant that fish, meat and vegetables of different sizes could be cooked. No need to worry about trying to squash something into the grill and opening it up to a disaster.

Overall, the Salter Marble Health Grill and Panini Maker gets top marks, it has made cooking quick, easy and healthier for me with less time spent cleaning up.


Disclaimer: Many thanks to The Works for the opportunity to try out this grill.  The review is my own thoughts with no influence whatsoever by anyone.  Fred verifies this is true as his mum usually is a grinch.

fred purr of honour

About Emma 3631 Articles
Usually I can be found sleeping beside a cat.

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