We came across the Super!natural drink through a Flavourly box and now see that they are being sold in Wholefoods and more. I’m not a big fan of energy drinks as me on caffine and sugar is not a good look!However, feeling a bit run down and needing something a bit different to quench the thirst (that and the fact that it was in a box!) I thought I’d give it a try.
Being a nation of tubbies, first check was the ingredients..Water! yass not sugar. The carb count is 8.7g per 100ml, so not too bad. There’s also grape, apple and blueberry juice mixed in the concoction. The taste was light, fruity but not overpowering with a strong acidic taste. Personally, I liked it a lot – not too sweet like a lot of caffeine drinks can be.
This would be a good drink for when needing a boost, fed up with water/diluting juice and if you are going to have an energy drink you may as well have a fruity one.
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