Results from The 2023 North East Scotland Food & Drink Awards

 Food and drink awards recognise excellence and innovation across north east Scotland manufacturers and producers

The 2023 North East Scotland Food & Drink Awards, delivered by Opportunity North East in partnership with Aberdeenshire Council, brought the industry together to celebrate achievements across product and market development, process innovation and business growth, sustainability and people and skills.

Winners of the 2023 awards include Amity Fish Company Ltd, Barra Berries, Burnside Brewery, Cabezon Beverage, CocoCaramel, Dean’s of Huntly, Farmlay Eggs, Mackie’s of Scotland, Singularity Sauce Co, Summerhouse Drinks Ltd and Vertegrow.

Speaking at the awards dinner, Stanley Morrice MBE, Chair of Opportunity North East’s Food, Drink and Agriculture Board, said:

“This key sector continues to innovate and grow. That is down to your ambition and drive. You are passionate about your businesses and products, and you are practical and determined. You always look ahead for new opportunities, markets, and customers. You make this famously enterprising region a leader in food and drink manufacturing.

“ONE is leading action and investment to deliver the specialist programmes and support, facilities, space, and connections to enable the industry to grow. The sector’s transformational £27 million investment to create a food and drink manufacturing innovation hub – ONE SeedPod – is breaking new ground with construction underway and due to open in late 2024.

“The unique combination of commercial facilities, sector knowledge, insights and expert networks in ONE SeedPod will enable businesses to develop new on-trend products for premium markets, test and implement more efficient and sustainable production and manufacturing processes, and support high-potential new businesses to scale their manufacturing and grow faster.

“Food and drink is one of the most dynamic and enterprising industries in our economy. I’m excited to see what it will achieve next,” said Mr Morrice. 


BEST NEW PRODUCT (EMERGING BUSINESS), sponsored by ESS Support Services Worldwide

CocoCaramel – A Wee Dram, The Perfect Tonic, and A Taste of Doric

BEST NEW PRODUCT (SMALL BUSINESS), sponsored by ESS Support Services Worldwide

Singularity Sauce Co – 7 Pot Bramble

BEST NEW PRODUCT (LARGE BUSINESS), sponsored by ESS Support Services Worldwide

Mackie’s of Scotland – Strawberry Swirl

BEST BREWED PRODUCT, sponsored by Opportunity North East

Burnside Brewery – Right to Roam

BEST DISTILLED PRODUCT, sponsored by Opportunity North East

Cabezon Beverage – Ron Cabezon 

BEST FOOD AND DRINK TOURISM EXPERIENCE, sponsored by Serco NorthLink Ferries

Barra Berries – Berry Tour Experience

BEST YOUNG BUSINESS, sponsored by Strachans Ltd


BUSINESS GROWTH AWARD, sponsored by Robert Gordon University

Farmlay Eggs


Amity Fish Company Ltd

SUSTAINABILITY AWARD, sponsored by Scotland Food & Drink

Mackie’s of Scotland

OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE, sponsored by Aberdeenshire Council

Summerhouse Drinks Ltd

LEADERSHIP AND SKILLS, sponsored by Skills Development Scotland 

Deans of Huntly Ltd

About Emma 3624 Articles
Usually I can be found sleeping beside a cat.

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