Where it is:- [googlemaps http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=royal+india+glasgow&sll=55.860063,-4.247394&sspn=0.022351,0.066047&ie=UTF8&cid=15376417275365540003&ll=55.808999,-4.320717&spn=0.067526,0.145912&z=12&iwloc=A&output=embed&w=425&h=350]
The restaurant was empty when we arrived, hmmm…we had come for a buffet, but due to us being the only customers there we were instead asked to pick a few dishes from the menu. 5 minutes later another couple arrived, and then another and another, they all wanted the buffet and so it was back on! First course was poppadoms and spiced onions, then mixed pakora and a chicken chaat platter and then the buffet. 9 curries in total, 6 of which were chicken, 2 vegetarian and 1 lamb. After filling ourselves we looked forward to the “selection of desserts.” Sadly, the selection equated to which sauce we wanted with our ice cream! After that there was coffee and a single after eight mint, all included in the buffet price, which was £8.95 each plus a bottle of Wolf Blass Eaglehawk Shiraz, which was lovely, total £32.85.
Toilets were clean, the waiters friendly and they ordered us a taxi, which arrived promptly. The food was good, only minus point being that the curries were a bit lukewarm, however the real highlight of the evening was overhearing the fatherly advice dished out to the son with the “5 girlfriends” on the opposite table!
Would go back again.
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