The Scotch Whisky Association (SWA) has launched a new campaign as part of its ongoing efforts to promote responsible consumption and tackle harmful drinking.
Made to be Measured aims to raise awareness of the alcohol content of drinks and the recommended weekly guidelines (units).

One single 25ml measure of whisky (at 40% abv) comes in at one unit, with guidelines from Scotland’s Chief Medical Officer recommending consumers do not regularly drink more than 14 units of alcohol per week. Fourteen units of alcohol equate to approximately 14 single measures (25ml) of spirits, one and a half bottles of wine or five pints of lager at average strength.

Mark Kent, Chief Executive of the Scotch Whisky Association, said:
“The Scotch Whisky industry takes the responsible consumption of its products extremely seriously. With many people in Scotland still unclear on what the unit guidelines are and how this equates to the volume of alcohol they drink, Made to be Measured aims to drive awareness of this guidance and encourage people to track what they drink, so they can feel informed whilst they enjoy it.”
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