[googlemaps http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=sloans+glasgow&sll=55.865627,-4.257223&sspn=0.35833,0.951004&ie=UTF8&hq=sloans&hnear=Glasgow,+UK&t=h&cid=13536285954369066232&ll=55.865631,-4.249392&spn=0.016857,0.036478&z=14&iwloc=A&output=embed&w=425&h=350]
Visiting here after a long break to go to the Thank Folk its Tuesday night. We bought two halfs of beer – £3 for the two. Then went up to the launch night. Friendly staff, free nibbles and even a free dram! The music was excellent and the decor beautiful.
I was astounded to see the change to Sloan’s place. When I worked in Glasgow in the 1950’s Sloan’s was a superb “olde worlde” resturant of which, even then, there were few left………..but now……….oh dear
Further to my earlier communication, I now see that Sloan’s has been restored and that the resturaunt is there! I take it all back!
I was mislead by what looked like an impromptu skiffle session in the photograph shown.
Hope to visit Sloan’s again this September after 47 years!