Soviet War Memorial Tiergarten (Sowjetisches Ehrenmal im Tiergarten)
The Soviet War Memorial in Tiergarten is one of three Soviet war memorials in Berlin. The others located within Pankow and Treptow. These memorials were erected by the Soviet Union to commemorate its war dead and in particular, the 80,000 soldiers who died during the Battle of Berlin. You’ll find it within Grosser Tiergarten, a large public park which is worth a day of exploration itself.
The memorial was erected in November 1945, in what was then the British sector of Berlin, and was protected by East Berlin guards. It marks the burial site of some 2,000 Soviet soldiers.
The site is flanked by two Red Army ML-20 152mm gun-howitzer artillery pieces and two T-34 tanks. Underneath the soldier statue, which is translated as “Eternal glory to heroes who fell in battle with the German fascist invaders for the freedom and independence of the Soviet Union”.
Вечная слава героям павшим в боях с немецко фашистскими захватчиками за свободу и независимость Советского Союза
Eternal glory to heroes who fell in battle with the German fascist invaders for the freedom and independence of the Soviet Union
Strasse des 17. Juni
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