Travel To Do: Gleis 17, Grunewald, Berlin

gleis 17 platform 17 berlin

The dark history of Platform 17

Located in the Grunewald area of Berlin is the railway station Berlin-Grunewald with its castle gate building and forest location. Underneath this fairy tale-like exterior is a dark history. Starting on 18 October 1941 until February 1945 platform 17  was one of the major sites of deportation of the people to the concentration camps.


gleis 17 platform 17 grunewald berlin

gleis 17 platform 17 berlin

gleis 17 platform 17 berlin


gleis 17 platform 17 berlin
1991 monument by Karol Broniatowski

gleis 17 platform 17 berlingleis 17 platform 17 berlingleis 17 platform 17 berlin

gleis 17 platform 17 berlin

gleis 17 platform 17 berlin

gleis 17 platform 17 berlin


Mahnmal Gleis 17 – Berlin Grunewald
Am Bahnhof Grunewald 1
14193 Berlin





I am Emma and with my husband Mark write Foodie Explorers, which is a food and travel website.

I am a member of the Guild of Food Writers and British Guild of Travel Writers.

We have a wide range of judging experience covering products, hotels and have judged, for example, for Great Taste Awards and Scottish Baker of the Year.

Along the way Mark gained WSET Level 2 in Wine and I have WSET Level 2 in Spirits as well as picking up an award with The Scotsman Food and Drink Awards.    

Usually I can be found sleeping beside a cat.

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