UK’s Top Three sustainable fish and chip shops announced

Fish and chip awards

Three of the UK’s leading fish and chip businesses have today been announced as finalists in the Good Catch – The Sustainable Seafood Award for the 2017 National Fish & Chip Awards, organised by Seafish.

Fish and chip awards

The three shortlisted businesses – Rockfish in Brixham, Devon; Fish City in Belfast, and Papa’s Fish and Chips in Hull, East Yorkshire – will now compete against each other to bag theGood Catch Award.

To secure a place, the shortlisted businesses have been appraised across a wide variety of judging criteria focusing strongly on the policies and procedures they have in place regarding the responsible sourcing of the fish and shellfish they use in their respective shops.

Judges also appraised how well shops performed at educating and informing customers on the sustainability credentials of the seafood they serve including details of the journey that the fish used takes from net to plate.

fish and chip awards
In addition, shops were appraised as to how they seek to influence or encourage others in the industry to also have a responsible attitude to serving sustainable fish and shellfish. The shops were also appraised on what their plans were to take issues of sustainability of seafood a step further in their respective businesses over the coming year.

Over the coming weeks, finalists will receive further mystery judging assessments by awards judges who will undertake in-depth audits of both the front and back of house operational aspects of shops and also assess the level of customer service and quality of the fish and chips on offer.

This final stage of competition judging will determine the overall winner of this particular award category that will be announced at the National Fish and Chip Awards ceremony in London on 26 January 2017.

For further information on The National Fish & Chip Awards please visit Follow @FishnChipAwards on Twitter for all the awards news and information.

About Emma 3637 Articles
Usually I can be found sleeping beside a cat.

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