Lighten up dark days with Seville oranges
It’s time for marmalade making! Seville orange season is here again so it’s the ideal time to make some homemade marmalade and think of other ways to use this bitter fruit to add some oomph to dishes.
Did you know you can freeze Seville oranges whole?
Look for an orange with plump and firm skin. Seville oranges are usually unwaxed, so they’re vegan-friendly but will lose moisture faster and then become tough inedible lumps so you’ll need to make use of them quickly.
There’s more to Seville oranges than just marmalade, although that is a fine way to have them! In that vein, creamy butter and Seville orange make a wonderful orange curd and orange meringue pie works too.
A simple drink suggestion is to add a few slices to make a zingy gin and tonic, or make some candied peel or for something more unusual how about a Seville orange vinaigrette drizzled over broccoli?
Seville Orange Marmalade Recipe
4 Seville oranges
1.7l water
1kg granulated sugar
Using a small sharp kitchen knife, score four lines down each fruit from top to bottom.
Remove the peel and cut into shreds. However thick you like them.
Squeeze each of the peeled oranges into a sieve over a jug, removing the pulp and pips.
Add water to the juice.
Add the shredded peel.
Add pulp to a muslin bag and tie, add to juice/peel mix.
Leave overnight
The next day, de-cant juice and shredded peel into a large pan and push the muslin bag down under the juice.
Bring to the boil then lower the heat to simmer.
When the peel is cooked (When it is soft), lift out the muslin bag and place in a bowl.
Leave to cool.
Add the sugar to the peel and juice mix.
Bring the mixture to a boil.
Ladle into the sterilised pots and seal immediately.

Seville Orange Marmalade
- 4 Seville oranges
- 1.7 l water
- 1 kg granulated sugar
- Using a small sharp kitchen knife, score four lines down each fruit from top to bottom.
- Remove the peel and cut into shreds. However thick you like them.
- Squeeze each of the peeled oranges into a sieve over a jug, removing the pulp and pips.
- Add water to the juice.
- Add the shredded peel.
- Add pulp to a muslin bag and tie, add to juice/peel mix.
- Leave overnight
- The next day, de-cant juice and shredded peel into a large pan and push the muslin bag down under the juice.
- Bring to the boil then lower the heat to simmer.
- When the peel is cooked (When it is soft), lift out the muslin bag and place in a bowl.
- Leave to cool.
- Add the sugar to the peel and juice mix.
- Bring the mixture to a boil.
- Ladle into the sterilised pots and seal immediately.
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