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Berry Pavlova

Course afternoon tea, Dessert, mothers day


  • 4 egg whites – 48p
  • 250 g caster sugar – 27p
  • 250 ml double cream – 71p
  • ½ punnet of Wonky strawberries – 69p
  • ½ punnet of Wonky blueberries – 45p


  • This recipe will always work better if you have an electric whisk.
  • In a clean dry bowl place the egg whites, and whisk on a high speed until they become stiff. Place the sugar onto a baking sheet, and place in a hot oven at around 180°C, you’ll want the sugar to heat until it becomes too hot to touch with the palm of your hand. This is a culinary trick so please be careful.
  • Carefully pour the sugar into the egg whites, mixing at a fairly high speed, again we are working with hot sugar here, so be careful and take your time.
  • Continue to whisk the eggs on a high speed once all the sugar is in and keep whisking until the mix is cold. It should be shiny and hold itself together.
  • We need to make a small meringue bowl for our pavlova, so divide the mix into four onto a parchment lined tray. Now the best way to do this would be to pipe a little nest, but you can plop a dollop on a tray and make a wee well in the centre with a hot spoon.
  • Now switch off the oven, it should still be hot from the sugar warming. Pop in the tray of meringues and wait for about 10 minutes before you close the door and leave overnight. It is really important we dry out the shells of our meringues without colouring them.
  • When you are ready to serve, whip up the double cream, and spoon into your meringue nests, chop up your berries and arrange on top.
Keyword afternoon tea, dessert, mothers day, pudding, sweet